SAVE THE DATE – Strategy/Job/Society for VET – Venice 28 May 2018 Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista
The European association EVTA (European Vocational Education and Training Association) and ENAIP NET, the regional Italian ENAIP consortium are promoting aEuropean event called “Strategy/Job/Society for VET“.
The debate will focus on innovative strategies on the proactive role VET can play in nowadays ever-changing society and labour market.
Some of the most distinguished European professionals will participate as speakers:
- Joao Santos, Deputy Head of Unit Vocational training, Apprenticeships and Adult learning – D.G. Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission in Brussels;
- Conny Reuter, General Secretary of SOLIDAR, a European network of Civil Society Organisations;
- James Calleja, General Director of CEDEFOP – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
In addition, the presidents of three of the major European VET associations will attend:
- Thiemo Fojkar – President of EVBB, Santiago Garcìa Gutiérrez – President of EfVET, and Giorgio Sbrissa – President of EVTA.
The participation to the event is strictly by invitation only