The EU has set clear objectives in terms of energy sustainability, the 20-20-20 targets, leading to a whole new demand for environmental skills in the construction sector.
However, training providers have not yet caught up with this new skills demand, creating an important skills gap in the current labor market. This is also highlighted in the CEDEFOP’s report “Green Skills and Environmental Awareness in Vocational Education and Training” which explains that one of the main gaps in learning provision is for “green” construction and installation technicians.
As the European aluminium construction products industry promotes life-cycle thinking and supports aluminium use which contributes to further environmental improvements, aluminium use the last decades has increased pectacularly especially in the constructional sector.
Cedefop’s 2016 skills forecast offers insights into future trends in skill demand and supply across the European Union (EU). All sectors are expected to employ more highly qualified people, reacting to a combination of demand and supply factors. Technology, by replacing routine tasks, is making jobs more demanding and requiring higher skills.