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ENAIP NET is the official Italian National Contact Point
for the European Vocational Skills 2020

Along with other 20 organisations, ENAIP NET will play a crucial role in spreading the word about the European Vocational Skills Week 2020, promoting at the same time the attractiveness and excellence of European vocational training.


Our mission is threefold:

Amplify the promotional campaign among national, regional or local VET stakeholders..

Amplify the media impact of the Ambassador appointed in Italy, Demetrio Albertini.

Provide dedicated assistance to event/activity organisers in our country.


The National Contact Point network brings together the key organisations working in VET across Europe, promoting VET to all, and in particular encouraging local VET stakeholders to participate in the Week’s activities.

To do this, we will identify VET organisations in our country and encourage them to organise VET-related activities, register them on the Week website and submit their VET success stories. We will post about the Week on our social media channels and publish related news on their websites, newsletters, etc. We will promote the Excellence Awards nominees from our country and encourage the public to vote for them.

This will all be done in strict collaboration with our Ambassador, in order to share in a powerful way the key messages and values that identiy the European Vocational Skills Week.


But what is the European Vocational Skills Week?

If you do not know already, the European Vocational Skills Week is an annual initiative of the European Commission to raise awareness of the benefits of Vocational Education and Training (VET). The motto of the initiative is #DiscoverYourTalent! In 2020, the Week takes place from 9 to 13 November, fully online.

The theme of the campaign this year is VET for Green and Digital Transitions, in line with the Commission’s priorities on a European Green Deal and a Europe fit for the digital age. With the coronavirus pandemic having seriously disrupted all forms of education and training, there is an opportunity to take a fresh approach to VET, making it more modern, attractive, flexible and relevant.


We are looking forward to carrying out this honourable mission, keep following us to know more about the Week and how you can get involved!



To read the Commission’s full article about all 2020 National Contact Points’ activities and how we are supporting the Week, click here.

European Vocational Skills Week 2020 ENG - ENAIPNET Impresa Sociale