The general objective is to contribute to the improvement and modernisation of VET systems in Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro, as well as reinforcing the links between VET and the Labour market, by the mean of organising mobility activities to improve the skills of VET staff and learners, as well as the occupational prospects of young VET students.
Our project aims to contribute to the achievement of the General Objective of the call (“improvement and modernisation of VET systems in the area as well as reinforcing the links between VET and labour market”) interpreting the mandate as an action of capacity building, upskilling and networking to support the internationalisation of the VET systems of Western Balkans countries. Therefore, we adopt a project architecture typical of capacity building actions, where mobility activities are functional to the improvement of the VET eco-system, and also an opportunity for VET providers of the target countries to cope with learning mobility actions based on European quality rule and standards (Erasmus+ VET Mobility Quality Commitment).